What We Do

Our Focus

Stronger together
Helping our community to thrive

We provide therapeutic services to children, young people and their families in the form of group work.  We work with families and adults with mild to moderate mental health needs. We aim to work with people who are not severe enough to be able to access statutory services like CAMHS or Adult Mental Health Services

Social Groups
Building young people's understanding of their feelings and their social skills used a well researched programme in schools

Attachment groups
For parents who are struggling to bond with their babies and young children

Sensory Regulation Groups
These help children and young people better understand when they are over or under stimulated and how they can help themselves to become better regulated.

Mental health support Groups for adults
These  small groups for adults who are struggling with anxiety and low mood and wish to learn some skills for coping with like-minded peers

Embracing Neurodiversity
It can be challenging to come to terms with a diagnosis of ASD or ADHD or FASD. In these small groups we explore what it means for our identities to have one or more of these diagnoses. We also look at practical ways of coping. Separate groups for adults and young people.

Nurturing groups in schools
We use the model of Theraplay to support children to develop their self esteem, regulation and relationship skills

We also do research that is related to our work as we believe it's important to evaluate our work and to contribute to the knowledge base

Family focused Therapies

We mostly provide therapy in a group setting but we have some limited capacity for therapy with individual families and individual children or young people.
We currently have the following specialisms:
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Play Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy/ Sensory Integration therapy
  • Theraplay
  • Art Therapy
  • Skills groups for children: developing self esteem and self confidence, managing anger and anxiety, literacy and numeracy groups


We mostly work in groups but we do provide some individual therapeutic support

  • Mild to moderate mental health problems
  • Art Therapy
  • Coping strategies for ASD/ADHD


We very much believe that we are stronger together as a community
  • we are happy to work with schools and other parts of a child's network to ensure that a child's needs are met in a consistent way
  • we are very keen to work with other organisations who work with the community so as to provide the best service to the community

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